The social divide represented by the period spanned by the Covid -19 pandemic has revealed a rather complex and problematic picture of inequalities in access and digital, technological literacy in our country (Save the Children, 2023; Open Polis, 2020). Moreover, it has revealed an educational…
The ability to project education and its nature seems to be more a fantasy game rather than a pedagogical necessity. Looking beyond the present or the near future, heading towards that horizon of aconian memory, appears a planning necessity and a real social requirement. The need to determine and to…
The relevant increase in the number of female and male students with DSA enrolled in recent years has placed new demands on university teaching. The latter, is in fact, requested to increase its capacity to include, placing the person's potential at the centre of its pedagogical-didactic planning,…
The spaces in which education takes place are becoming progressively more fluid, especially when we think of the advances in the development of increasingly sophisticated and all-consuming technologies and digital tools. The resulting network can no longer be configured as an actual place, confined…
Recent legal reference (Art. 103 of the Italian Budget Law for 2022) has induced Italian educational authorities to consider Motor and Sports Sciences graduates as prospective Italian Primary School teachers from 2022/2023 onwards. This provision finally puts an end to the long-standing dilemma…
This consideration begins from the evident observation regarding how technology has an important and central role in human lives. First of all, this study looks at the essence of the technique and the benefits and risks of technology. Then, it tries to deduce from its logical procedure the essential…
Space and time of human sociality include that of the sociality required by formal and informal learning: it appears crucial to understand the ways in which technological tools, environments and devices allow the creation of relationships and communications capable of enriching the experience of…
Humanoid robotics will help us to live better (Cingolani, 2018): human-like robots able to interact with their surroundings are no longer science fiction, but they can be purchased by e-commerce platforms. Dealing with the new evolutionary paradigm based on artificial intelligence and machine…
The study of the relationships between culture and technology, especially in light of media studies and mediology, shows that distinctions typical of common sense, which are not always rigorous from an epistemological point of view, continue to be used in the pedagogical field. The concrete forms of…
The first part of the essay analyses the importance of the audiovisual document for contemporary history and the educational and emotional function of documentary and fiction films in the teaching of 20th century history. The second part proposes a formative path with the use of the audiovisual…