• e-learning
  • 17 Articoli
  • Promoting inclusion through “distance contact”: the Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow project during health emergency

    The national health emergency, caused by the spread of Covid-19, involved the school system and required an effort to the school-family alliance and to institutions in order to promote e-learning. The paper describes strategies adopted to reschedule an educational project for primary schools,…


    The use of e-learning in the lifelong learning

    From beginning of the new millennium the evolution and the widespread availability of telecommunication systems has allowed the birth of current information system and interconnection system (Internet) within which everybody can exchange information. Thanks to this fast developing today the online…


    E-learning in the information society

    In today's technologically advanced scenarios the e-learning takes a strategic relevance due to expansion on networks. The present paper describes the evolution of e-learning in recent years thanks to the development of new media and describe the new version of the e-learning environments make…


    Evaluation in e-learning

    Parlando di valutazione e autovalutazione on line si prendono, dunque, in considerazione non solo le forme più classiche di valutazione degli apprendimenti, ma anche quelle situazioni in cui il soggetto, interagendo con il sistema di apprendimento o con i soggetti coinvolti nell’azione formativa,…


    Evaluation of e-learning: quality and learning

    I problemi della formazione e della valutazione in un corso di insegnamento/apprendimento in rete, sono al centro del dibattito internazionale in quanto coinvolgono le nuove opportunità formative strettamente legate e offerte dalla nuova strumentazione tecnologica. Tra la didattica in presenza e…


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