The article concerns some results of an empirical investigation relating to practices and opinions of secondary school teachers on the evaluation and certification of key citizenship skills to be acquired at the end of compulsory education. To collect information, a questionnaire was administered to…
Sport activities are an important resource for promoting the education, well-being, and social inclusion of all children. However, children with disabilities participate in these activities less than their peers due to various physical and social barriers in their environment. A full understanding…
Lo scopo di questo numero, senza alcuna pretesa di esaustività, è quello di affrontare il problema della valutazione in maniera multifocale e multiprospettica, guardando ai risultati della ricerca teorica, epistemologica, metodologica ed esperienziale più avanzata in ambito educativo e…
The promotion of learning and education well-being are two closely related factors; several studies have shown that students who experience greater emotional well-being are more likely to achieve scholastic success; conversely, those who experience greater emotional difficulties are likely to have…
According to Scriven (2000), evaluation is “the process through which the value, merit, or significance of some entity are determined” (p. 39). In line with this definition, the paper talks about the quality evaluation of the Italian school system carried out, at the national level, through the…
The goal of this paper is to highlight the role of assessment today, analyzing it within educational contexts based on self-directed learning. In addition, the role of new technologies will be emphasized, highlighting how the high level of technologization we are experiencing allows for a twofold…
The complexity of evaluation as a didactic operation must also deal with national regulations and supranational indications that somehow direct the evaluation processes. In the Italian school context, a particular case is represented by the teaching of the Catholic religion, which among the…
The paper focuses on the topic of evaluation in the Italian Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) system, within the framework of the national integrated education and training system, from birth to six years. Starting from an overview of evaluation as promoted in the key documents of the…
The theme of evaluation allows us to explore a reality continuously growing abroad, which is also quite widespread in Italy: the parental education. Unconventional educational experiences and traditional school paths find a common element in the evaluation of the outcomes. From our perspective, the…
The contribution deepens the evaluation practices with a specific focus on the induction phase of the newly hired teacher and the strategic function of training and peer observation activities carried out with the mentor teacher (Bleach, 2013; Magnoler, 2018; Fiorucci & Moretti, 2019, 2022). The…
The contribution reported here aims to describe photovoice experimentation as an image-based didactic experience carried out in higher education. The multicultural change that characterizes the academic context, in which this pedagogical experience has been realized, is a challenge for professors,…
The issue of educational evaluation has long attracted the attention of stakeholders, engaging them in debates of a different nature (Scriven, 1991; Corsini, 2015). This contribution emphasizes comparative evaluation and the levels within which this takes place (OECD, 2013). The objective is to…
In the school context, learning to understand the reason for an evaluation is certainly one of the most arduous challenges that students try to accomplish on a daily basis. The active guidance of teachers can effectively help in this continuous reflection that accompanies each person throughout…
Evaluation allows students to become aware of their own educational process with the acquisition of disciplinary contents and skills and competences connected to them; however, it is also an educational moment because it can guide students' attitudes, improving the subjects and contexts involved. In…
The objective of school educational assistance is to improve the learning and socialization processes of the pupils with disabilities by working on complex autonomies and intervening in an inclusive perspective. According to the law 104/1992, the management of the service belongs to the local…
After the spread of Covid-19 in Italy, digital technologies have made it possible to carry on the ordinary activities of the various educational agencies, through the main tool of Distance Learning (DaD). This paper focuses attention on the social impact (OEC-DAC in Stern, 2016) of the DaD to…
In Italy the standardized evaluation is always very lively debated, especially during the period of administration of INVALSI tests within the schools. To map the opinions and the beliefs published in the mainstream press and on the main websites and to follow the trend over time of these an…
In today's society, working models and participation in community life require a more careful interpretation and a reconsideration of the methods of using personal, relational and group skills. In the School, in addition to disciplinary knowledge, it is necessary to give students the skills to…
Game-based learning has a well-established tradition at the nursery and primary schools. Traditionally, however, in the upper school levels - and even more in adult education -, there is a split between educational and recreational activities, the latter being addressed mainly to pure entertainment,…
Italian school is wondering about the changes to be introduced to improve the effectiveness of educational paths. These questions highlight the need to promote a culture of evaluation approaches by adopting new assessment on which to base educational decision-making processes in order to improve the…