In a society where the intercultural paradigm overwhelms the perspective of the multicultural one, there’s an incessant demand for the education of childhood that enables co-existence with an ontological otherness that is essential to the being and becoming of oneself. Inhabiting contemporaneity…
Due to the immersive and pervasive nature of technology and connectivity, digital skills are constantly evolving. It’s a stratified, immanent and historical knowledge, not limitated to technical skills only. It touches on the cultural, economic and political citizenship dimensions as well as the…
Today, digital tools are an integral part of our social fabric, and this leads us to reflect on two interrelated aspects: transformation and awareness. By transformation, we are referring to those spaces where social interaction takes place, and which, thanks to the continual growth of internet…
In an essential, rigorous and systematic way, the paper defines traits and functionalities of one of the practice the pedagogical practitioner employs in the planning and supervision of adult education actions: self-narration training circle.. The analysis deals with theoretical references, venues,…
The culture of risk is the product of social organization, and therefore of the underlying relation-ships. Fatalism, individualism, marginalization are just some of the attitudes that individuals have towards risk. Ulrich Beck (2013) deals with the issue of risk communities, that is, groups of…
Charles Taylor’s intercultural theories, characterized by socio historical paths of continuity and break with tradition, by acknowledgement of identity and interculture, as well as by needs of differentiation, survival of identity meaning and cultural transposition, have largely inspired the…
There-appropriation of meta-reflexive and narrative skills is a strategic imperative in order to be able to deal with awareness with the challenge of post-modernity , by getting used to rethink-ing one´s existential trajectories in the light of the past experiences and of the opportunities of the…