In contemporary scientific literature, we find numerous studies on international migrations. Many of these studies focus on the subjective or community motivations that drive many men and women to embark on the migratory journey and their life expectations in the destination countries. In political…
Including students with specific learning disorders (SLD) in the university environment is increasingly important. This study compares Italian and Spanish university lecturers' training on SLD and the teaching strategies for supporting students with SLD. A qualitative-quantitative approach was used…
The development of educators' professional skills is nowadays fundamental for designing, implementing and evaluating quality educational experiences in kindergartens. The contribution refers to the initial training course aimed at educators in the nurseries of the Municipality of Foligno and intends…
Some research has shown that pedagogical postures and meaningful relationships between teachers and students oriented towards a highly inclusive evaluation process, because it is negotiated, participatory, and pedagogically based, can produce benefits in performance, in the involvement of the…
The paper intends to propose a reflection about the kind of university training to provide to educa-tion professionals, now more necessary than ever. This considering the social complexity that is affecting the whole Europe and that makes increasingly worrying the working environment of these…
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education is becoming increasingly important in today's society, as technology continues to advance and shape our world. However, effective STEM pedagogy requires more than just teaching these subjects in isolation. It involves creating a…
Abstract: Culture, education, a correct language are elements to be able to guarantee a system of equal opportunities and inclusion of all. Men and women, Italian and non-Italian, high-functioning students and people with disabilities, all belonging to a world that must be increasingly welcoming and…
Italian State Schools abroad constantly face an important challenge: guiding their students to face academic and informational barriers to University entry, combining the spread of Italian Culture abroad with the potential and real possibilities students have to move and get grants and scholarships…
The implementation of advanced manufacturing solutions in companies makes possible to improve the productivity, quality and production flexibility introducing new types of human-machine interactions that require appropriate assessment from an occupational health and safety perspective. In this…
Initial training has often changed and changed without a vision and objective that could meet contemporary challenges. In fact the quality of teacher training cannot be separated from the overall school policy of a country. If school does not become one of the basic concerns of national policy,…
Using devices and of self-narration can be essential for those who experience multiple forms of inconvenience and think they cannot find their way in their lives, losing the meaning. They represent a toolbox for rediscovering who one is, for understanding what one has to do for what one wants to…
In the academic year 2021/2022 the research project “Prevention of domestic accidents and promotion of physical activity over 60” was carried out to promote the well-being of 8 groups of people over 60 (218 in total) in the province of Palermo. Within the project, the administration of the…
The recognition and enhancement of the human represent the core of the social contract to which the Unesco report “Reimagining our Futures together: A new social Contract for Education” refers. The school of today, therefore, is called to realize what is foreseen in the report through new…
How society is changing respect to the introduction of recent technologies and how the school can manage this change are questions that this collective survey giving voice to the educating society from kindergarten to ministerial leadership. The Grounded Theory path, in this case using Lego Serious…
What is the academic path of aspiring teachers? What is the perception of this role in the community? Theachers’ training is today more than ever a current topic. Different competences are requested from teacher, including planning and organizational skills in the face of the changing interests…
The dynamics of know-how and professional declinations in the fields of pedagogy and didactics. The progressive epistemological autonomy of the Pedagogical Sciences and the prospective of the educational behaviour in its many professional declinations. New frontiers and transdisciplinary approaches…
The paper analyzes the role that artificial intelligence is taking on in teaching processes, with particular reference to the possibility of monitoring students’ attention, during lessons or during an exam, using facial recognition software and movement analysis eyepieces. If on the one hand these…
This paper, through a study of the scientific literature, aims to understand the link between the phenomenon of educational poverty, young NEETs (Not engaged in Education, Employment or Training), and the use of new technologies in order to obtain effective training. This study deals with the…
Mobbing concerns a work situation in which the worker is the victim of persecutory actions by one or more attackers who may find themselves in positions of superiority, inferiority or equality. The actions are very heterogeneous and range from simple marginalization to the assignment of…
The contribute offer a reflection about education’s meaning and invite us to recover the value of instruction and formation for the purpose of human realization. Only through education the individual can to rehabilitate the thought’s liberty, idea’s strength, his creative capacity and express…
The problem of evaluation is an old problem, because every time we take initiatives to achieve a training objective, we also feel the need to check if the objectives are achievable. Evaluation processes today use new technologies that are able to meet this need, but it is also necessary to give the…
Today, training is considered one of the fundamental interventions to improve the perception of occupational risk and to help develop and sediment culture on occupational safety. With regard to occupational safety, a timely analysis of the training needs must take note of the risk assessment carried…
From some years burnout seems to have an increasing escalation among teachers, with serious consequences both for the person that lives the uneasiness and for the organization school and for the students. Burnout is not therefore a problem of the single teacher, on which to act individually; it asks…
The relationship between the educational system, the world of work and the territory becomes strategic, since in the information and knowledge society to be able to field an effective local (glocal strategy), active policies in the field education, training and lifelong learning are presented as an…
Italian school is wondering about the changes to be introduced to improve the effectiveness of educational paths. These questions highlight the need to promote a culture of evaluation approaches by adopting new assessment on which to base educational decision-making processes in order to improve the…
There-appropriation of meta-reflexive and narrative skills is a strategic imperative in order to be able to deal with awareness with the challenge of post-modernity , by getting used to rethink-ing one´s existential trajectories in the light of the past experiences and of the opportunities of the…
The notion of education is linked to the acquisition of the alphabets needed to communicate, produce and be able to reflect on knowledge, but is also closely linked to the ability of each person to be able to combine, in a creative way, the alphabets acquired as well as to rework them in order to…