Promotion of the Inclusion of students with disabilies


This final degree proyect is base don a topic that currently has a great relevance: Promotion of the inclusion of students with disabilies. The main objetive is to promote the social inclusion of students with disabilities. First, we will choose four types of disabilities from the most common ones, and we will define and dossify them according with different authors. Later to benefit the inclusion in the center a tutorial program will be put in place by a group of students of the third cycle, totally voluntary by these, in wich they will be for a period of time the mentors of the students with disabilities; these will guide them through the center, will help in all kind of duties, activities will be done to take other person place, etc. As for the teachers, they will be given a survey to assess how they consider the school suitable for inclusion in order to make the appropiate changes. This survey will take place either public and private school, in order to make a comparasen between them. 

Carlos Anguís González, Eufrasio Pérez Navío

  • Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación  Departamento de Pedagogía. Área DOE Universidad de Jaén - ESPAÑA
  • Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación Departamento
