Read before you read. Prevention of learning difficulties in kindergarten


The interaction between oral and written language develops in the Kindergarten through familiarization with books, adult reading, conversation and the formulation of hypotheses on the contents of the texts read, the acceptance of the first conjectures and the first practical attempts about the writing system. The voluntary approach of the child to the written language can encourage the knowledge of teachers about the levels of conceptualization (Ferreiro & Teberosky, 1985) and provide useful elements for a possible early identification of learning difficulties. Through the administration of the IPDA Questionnaire (Terreni, Tretti, Corcella, Cornoldi, Tressoldi, 2024) it is possible to carry out a first screening useful to design educational and enabling interventions capable of facing the current difficulties, acting on the potential for development and learning through the organization of the environment, phonological and metaphonological mastery, cognitive and perceptive skills.