Resilience and the pedagogical task: from research-training to transformative educator intervention

The concept of resilience describes the ability to resist and cope with the destructive challenges that life sometimes imposes, a process that involves dynamic aspects that support, encourage and promote the ability to struggle, overcome obstacles, alongside biological determinants, caregivers assume a strategic role and constitute the protective factors. The paper exposes the research-training pathway, developed in the 2020-2021 academic year with a class of pedagogists from the University of Salento, a pathway that produced a transformation in the perception of one's role with respect to the educational task, becoming builders of resilience. The active research path enabled the trainees to recognize themselves as resilience builders, identifying projects, areas and specific actions for intervention. The 46 projects implemented were positioned on 4 macro-categories of fragile users and invested the most extensive areas of life, strategies, technologies and intervention models typical of educational action.