School reform: effective school leadership


To ensure an equal and a quality education has become one of the key objectives of the European Commission’s strategic framework for cooperation in education and training (ET 2020). In this policy context, is important examines fundamental aspects of school and working conditions. Educators have long known intuitively that school leadership make a difference. School leadership is now an education policy priority around the world. Increased school autonomy and a greater focus on schooling and school results have made it essential to reconsider the role of school leaders (OCSE 2008). Effective education leadership makes a difference in improving learning. There is much room for improvement to professionalise school leadership, to support current school leaders and to make school leadership an attractive career for future candidates. This article examines some available evidence results and offers educators, policymakers and all researchers interested in promoting successful schools, some reflections to these vitally important questions. Also, is presented a framework for effective leadership; this can be used as a tool to analyze the practices of school leaders.

Roberto Melchiori

  • Roberto Melchiori è professore straordinario a TD
  • Università degli Studi "Niccolò Cusano" di Roma

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