Support continuous teacher learning: academic tutor as a resource for primary schools


The following contribution intends to delve deeper into the topic of continuous teacher training through resources and strategies useful for maintaining and developing skills, through efficient collaboration between academic research and the school environment. Although the figure of the teaching tutor can place future teachers within a favorable and welcoming teaching context, it is necessary to evaluate to what extent the skills obtained and promoted initially can be adapted to an ever-evolving social and technological change. Part of the national literature has focused on the delicate induction phase, the moment of entry by the newly hired teacher into a working environment within which he will have to know how to move, organize and manage. However, despite the importance placed on this moment in the career path of future teachers, we wish to propose a contribution which, through in-depth analysis from national and international literature, manages to configure the role of an "academic tutor" as a professional capable of guarantee continuous methodological updating towards teacher-tutors, so that a dialogue is established between research and school practices, as well as continuous updating that remains in step with sudden social changes.