Teachers in emergency: distance teaching in time of crisis


The article highlights the role taken by technological resources in the emergency situation that we are tackling, witnessing either the extraordinary formative performances or the relational skills developed by digital media. In particular, it is the educative system that constitutes an interesting workshop of use and promotion of informatics devices in time of crisis, where the acquisition and the exploitation of digital skills represent the access key to the future 5.0 society, The result of the DeCoDE -DEvelop COmpetences in Digital Era 2019- project -Skills, best practices and teaching in XXI century- will represent the starting point for a recognition of the implementation of digital skills of a primary school in Rome -San Francesco d’Assisi- that is confronting the positive dynamics and the critical aspects of distance teaching. The structured interviews to a sample of teachers in full lockdown bring back into vogue the sociological debate of digital divide and put the accent on the contradictions related to the socio-cultural status, the generation gap and the cognitive differences of the whole teaching staff.