The culture of sustainability in schools: old and new pedagogical paradigms


Pedagogical sustainability has become a challenge that has involved not only the institutions of the various governments of the European states and the whole civilized world but also all the aware citizens who are able to offer an effective and concrete contribution through direct personal and social intervention. responsible. The pedagogical world continues to question itself on this theme, highlighting how the term sustainability is indissoluble from human development and social responsibility; it must be understood as a horizon, a multidisciplinary perspective. Even at an institutional level, schools of all levels and levels must and want to intervene. In this paper we want to rethink, also through the analysis of Italian and European documents, the way of making school and training future citizens through pedagogical reflection about sustainability. This reflection was also the basis of an action research organized within the Course in Primary Education Science, Department of Science of Education, Psychology and Communication of the University of Bari “A. Moro”.

Michele Baldassarre, Alessandro Barca

  • Michele Baldassarre è Professore associato di Pedagogia sperimentale; Alessandro Barca è PHD
  • Università degli Studi di Bari "Aldo Moro"
  • Dipartimento di Sc. della Formazione, Psicologia, Comunicazione
