The training needs of in-service teachers

The in-service training of tenured teachers is mandatory, permanent and structural (paragraph 124 of Law 107 of 2015) and it represents ethically, as well as legally, the fundamental prerequisite for the professional development, both individual and for the entire teachers’ community. For the European Commission (EC), which works to support the careers and professional development of teachers, training is a priority objective to be achieved, identifying the teaching staff as the key resource for improving the quality of the European education systems. This training is placed within the cultural framework of teachers' lifelong learning as a key factor in coping with the transformations undertaken in society and in the school system. In the National Recovery and Resilience Plan important and structural innovation actions of in-service training are envisaged, as shown in the new Ministerial Act of political-institutional policy for the year 2022, the need to strengthen the governance system of in-service training is recalled, with the aim of improving students' learning outcomes and their full education in responsible citizenship. Taking this into account, a cognitive survey was conducted through the reading of the minutes of the teaching colleges of schools (school year 2021/22) with the aim of understanding the training needs expressed by teachers in the arguments developed during the collegial meetings and documented accompanying the educational planning. From the analysis of the data, it’s clear the request for training with respect to transversal skills, the ability to design online, educational innovation, teamwork, interdisciplinary teaching, digital competence, civic education and Universal Design can be deduced for Learning.