The training of support teachers for the design of inclusive strategies for students with ADHD in secondary school


For students with ADHD (Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) it is essential that the choices and teaching actions made by teachers (both class teacher and support teacher) are oriented towards an educational project aimed at synergistically developing their processes. cognitive, emotional, social-relational and motivational. The contribution intends to present a theoretical reflection on the importance of training “future” support teachers, didactic mediation figures within class councils, in the planning and management of inclusive teaching for students with ADHD, through courses to obtain specialization for support activities (Ministerial Decree 30 September 2011). The theoretical reflections and research conducted regarding the training of support teachers recognize the need to be able to identify adequate methodological approaches aimed at promoting consciously inclusive learning processes, which allow the school to be a welcoming environment for each and every one of them, directing our gaze towards what gives shape to true inclusion at school.