Thinking Educational & Inclusive Paths for Future Motricity Teachers in Primary School: which scenarios?

Recent legal reference (Art. 103 of the Italian Budget Law for 2022) has induced Italian educational authorities to consider Motor and Sports Sciences graduates as prospective Italian Primary School teachers from 2022/2023 onwards. This provision finally puts an end to the long-standing dilemma between general teacher and specialized teacher in motricity education. No doubt, the presence of specialized teachers is to be considered a crucial step towards a personalized wellness-and-inclusivity-oriented approach (Maggiolini, 2020; Striano, 2010). More specifically, the Unite Nation Convention (2006) makes it clear that it is not the people that must be included, but processes, spaces, actions, times, methods, and approaches which must be designed in an inclusivity-based way (Medeghini, et al., 2013). A future line of development within the training of future motricity teachers in Primary school could thus focus on inclusivity-based motricity teaching practices. Therefore, a line of development could focus on integrated teaching practices that aim at the greater enhancement of each student. In this regard, the aim is to conduct a survey from the next academic year on some students of the degree courses in Motor and Sports Sciences, to evaluate opinions and beliefs to think about future quality educational & inclusive paths.