Tools, Education and Training


The notion of education is linked to the acquisition of the alphabets needed to communicate, produce and be able to reflect on knowledge, but is also closely linked to the ability of each person to be able to combine, in a creative way, the alphabets acquired as well as to rework them in order to generate new knowledge and use these alphabets so that learners knows how to orient themselves in the multiplicity and diversity of contexts, in the logic of learning throughout life (lifelong learning). This requires the necessary dialectical interaction and synergy between the pedagogical-didactic model and the communication -praxeological model. So, it becomes essential, namely, that the two ontologies and the two epistemologies, the pedagogical-didactic and the praxeological-technological-communicative, may represent a unique and specific new field of investigation and intervention. This is because the tools as well as practices and teaching strategies are called to be supportive, to help the person/student so that his training should be assisted and facilitated by these same tools. Among planning, evaluation and technology, on the one hand, and between teaching practices and assessment tools, on the other hand, it has to be created and established a correlation as well as a very close symbiosis and synergy. These tools must be set in order to be functional and effective to achieve educational objectives (cognitive and social), as they must be of real help and support to the subject and, therefore, be at the service of his intellectual growth and development of logical and mental abilities. The underlying principle that is meant to emphasize is that there cannot be the domain of the theory at the expense of practice, as it is not possible the dominance of the practice without the support and legitimacy of the theory. Between these two scientific fields are required combination, synergy and synthesis.