Towards a Digital-Civil. An introductory reflection on Digital Moral Literacy

Daily experiences are achieved by remaining connected to digital environments, in a dimension defined as onlife. To date, in fact, "virtual" environments and "real" environments can no longer be considered distinct "places", both representative of learning contexts where people, especially young people, carry out communicative and relational exchanges. This dimension, fluid and liquid, is however characterized by the presence of various risks linked to a lack of critical and responsible relationship with technologies such as, for example, the phenomenon of fake news and cyberbullying. In this sense, the following contribution opens, starting from the Digital-Civil as a theoretical-practical approach to a responsibly founded and oriented use of technologies, to the hypothesis of a digital moral literacy to be understood as moral literacy 'for' and 'with' the digital, aimed at promoting the acquisition of digital soft skills, the human ability to inhabit digital environments with an ethical, critical and aware sense.