Towards a pedagogy of walking. Rethinking the city as an educational space, between technology, movement and relationality


In recent years, the concept of the “learning city” has acquired great relevance in the pedagogical debate, which has focused above all on the possibility of combining efforts aimed at expanding educational opportunities in a lifelong and lifewide learning perspective with the instances of change that have emerged at an environmental, social, cultural and economic level. In the time of post-modernity, the design of urban spaces has increasingly become a transdisciplinary issue, within which the elaboration of inclusive and quality educational proposals intersects with matters relating to technological and digital evolution, the promotion of personal well-being and sustainable development. Starting from these premises, this contribution aims to analyse the dimension of urban mobility, pedestrian walkability and accessibility of public places from an educational perspective, focusing on the pedagogical potential of movement and specifically of walking, an apparently banal motor action that can take on a series of new meanings.