Transversal competencies for well-being and learning in the making: formative trajectories

The pandemic emergency of recent years, followed by the international conflicts between East and West, have materialized the concerns of the general public, beginning with those of children. The shock of a health, human and nuclear catastrophe has also entered the classroom, driven by the large-scale media: which, in (re)-drawing gloomy and at times feverish scenarios, have outlined a contemporary horizon in the making, whose interpretative figures are those of doubt and institutionalized uncertainty. The global alert has been translated into a personal, family and collective crisis: the confidence of the young generations of students in that "sustainable future" - outlined in national and European political agendas - risks collapsing into a widespread and persistent malaise. The agony of desire and initiative, the absence of dreams and hopes, if not the drift of consciousness, represent the possible and tortuous developments of an era characterized by a sense of impotence and disintegration. How can the School, starting from the basic segment, promote the exercise of those non-cognitive, transversal and transferable skills, useful to face the new challenges to subjective integrity? How can this institution educate the human being, developing in the youngest children the skills of resilience, reaction to stress, as well as self-efficacy, supportive dialogue and personal well-being? In the light of the changes taking place, this contribution is aimed at investigating new identity biographies and related training needs of young people, to be faced in the educational and didactic field with the exercise of specific life skills, to recover motivational sense, meanings of ethical-value matrix and promote social inclusion and widespread democracy.